
Ahmad, Irfan. 2022. “Review Essay: Gods in the Time of Democracy by Kajri Jain.” Critique
d’art. 1–5.

Ahmad, Irfan. 2020. “How A Burning Grapples with India’s Current Political Reality.” The Caravan. 25 June.

Ahmad, Irfan. 2018. “Review of Ian Almond’s The Thought of Nirad C. Chaudhuri:Islam, Empire and Loss.South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies. 41(3): 696–698.

Ahmad, Irfan. 2017. “Review of Religion and Modernity in India edited by Sekhar Bandyopadhyay and Aloka Parasher Sen.” Reading Religion, American Academy of Religion

Ahmad, Irfan. 2016. “The Mourning After (Review of Saeed Naqvi’s Being the Other: The Muslim in India).” India Today. July 18: 50–51.

Ahmad, Irfan. 2011. “Haunting the West: Plural Narratives of a Singular Figure” (Review of The Cambridge Companion to Muhammad edited by J. Brockopp).” Australian Book Review. March. 56–57.

Ahmad, Irfan. 2010. “Unfinished Modernity” (Review of Abdulkader Tayob’s Religion in Modern Islamic Discourse).” Biblio: A Review of Books. November-December: 23–24.

Ahmad, Irfan. 2004. “Agency Denied”. (Review of Padma Sarangapani’s Constructing School Knowledge.) International Institute of Asian Studies Newsletter. November. P. 33.

Ahmad, Irfan. 2001. “Is Islam Anti-Modern?”(Review of Bruce Lawrence’s Shattering the Myth: Islam Beyond Violence.”Biblio: A Review of Books: 6 (9&10): 10–11.

Ahmad, Irfan. 2001. “Review of Questions of Modernity edited by Timothy Mitchell.”Anthropological Review Database. July 12. Electronic Document.

Ahmad, Irfan. 2000. “Review of J. Markoff’s Waves of Democracy.”Contributions to Indian Sociology (n.s.). 34 (1): 143.

Ahmad, Irfan. 1999. “Beyond Citizenship: Construing Culture and Power” (Review of T. K. Oommen’s Citizenship, Nationality and Ethnicity: Reconciling Competing Identities).”Mainstream. 37(11): 31–32.

Ahmad, Irfan. 1997. “Demystifying the Nation and Nationalism” (Review of G. Aloysius’ Nationalism Without a Nation in India).”Mainstream. 35(41): 30–33.

Short Reviews of Books/Film

Ahmad, Irfan. 2016. “Editor’s Choice” (Review of Kant and Colonialism: Historical and Critical Perspectives edited by Katrin Flikschuh and and Lea Ypi). Journal of Religious and Political Practice. 2(3): 358–359.

Ahmad, Irfan. 2016. “Editor’s Choice” (Review of Muhammad Iqbal’s Stray Reflections: A Notebook of Allama Iqbal). Journal of Religious and Political Practice. 2(3): 359–360.

Ahmad, Irfan. 2015. “Editor’s Choice” (Review of the Bollywood film PK). Journal of Religious and Political Practice. 1(1): 110 –111.

Ahmad, Irfan. 2015. “Editor’s Choice” (Review of Rancière Now: Current Perspectives on Rancière edited by Oliver Davis).Journal of Religious and Political Practice. 1(1): 111.

Ahmad, Irfan. 2015. “Editor’s Choice” (Review of Badri Naryan’s Fascinating Hindutva).Journal of Religious and Political Practice. 1(1): 112.